15 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

Fourth International

The Fourth International is an international revolutionary current that fights for a democratic socialist self-managed society, free of any form of exploitation, alienation or oppression.

Organised in separate national sections, we are united in a single worldwide organisation acting together on the main political questions, and discussing freely while respecting the rules of democracy.

We think that a self-managed socialist society requires the abolition of private ownership and a break with the institutions of the bourgeois State, as well as fighting every kind of oppression and domination, whether based on nationality, gender, ethnicity or sexual preference. Our goal is to contribute, to the best of our ability, to raising the political consciousness and helping the active organization of the workers and the exploited and oppressed sectors, to fight capitalism, imperialism and any form of oppression.

We do not think that the left begins from zero, the collective memory and experience of the past makes the dreams and projects of the future possible. The Fourth International registers the continuity of the struggles for emancipation that cross the history of the labour movement.

If citing our historical references helps clarify who we are, we identify with Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Rosa Luxemburg, V I Lenin and Leon Trotsky. The many others who have enriched our analysis and theoretical work include Tchernichevsky, Plekhanov, Hilferding, Otto Bauer, Gramsci, Georg Lukacs, Pannekoek, Alexandra Kollontai, Che Guevara, and our leading comrade Ernest Mandel, who passed away in 1995.

The Fourth International is characterised by an open, critical approach to Marxist theory. Tries to incorporate into its programme and its political practice the progressive experiences of humanity, in its fight against capitalism and imperialism, as well as the experiences of anti-racist, anti-militarist, anti-colonial, national liberation, ecological and feminist struggles, and struggles against any type of oppression..

Today, the Fourth International is present in over 40 countries. Not from nostalgia, but because of militant, political convictions. Wherever there is exploitation and oppression, there is resistance and struggle. These permanent struggles take their full power whenever they carry the perspective of a socialist emancipation of humanity. They will have a chance to succeed if and when the most conscious and energetic militants group themselves in a revolutionary socialist party, which discusses, reflects, acts, and builds roots.

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